The deskilling of manufacturing. As technology advanced, workers increasingly lost the proud Independence that had been a characteristics of their craftwork. This was because of the deskilling of labor under a new system of mechanized manufacturing that industrialist Henry Ford woould come to call "mass production".
c) An academic journal that describes all of the presidential candidate's political beliefs and philosophies
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Chiến tranh lạnh bắt dầu từ năm 1947 với thông điệp của tổng thống Truman tại quốc hội Mĩ.
Đến tháng 12 – 1989, trong cuộc gặp gỡ không chính thức tại đảo Manta ( Địa Trung Hải), hai nhà lãnh đạo M. Goócbachốp và G. Busơ (cha) đã chính thức tuyên bố chấm dứt Chiến tranh lạnh.
The selling of unauthorized, uncertified, unstamped alcoholic drinks is referred to as bootlegging.
During the US's time of prohibition, many similar businesses arose.
The Southern regions of the nation were home to some of the most significant sites for the manufacture of spirits. Most notable were the numerous "stills" in the Appalachian mountain ranges, where it was quite simple to remain undetected by onlookers.
The "stills" were essentially home-built distilleries where whiskey was created from the region's abundant maize. It was combined with additional substances including yeast, sugar, water, and even meat.
Fermentation could take place because the materials were heated in metal vessels and the steam produced was directed via a coil of tubing. Then it was put into "jugs, or Mason jars."
It was a very basic whiskey, occasionally poisoning those who drank it. Bootleg was a phrase used to describe people who stowed their "flasks" inside the legs of their boots. As the phrase developed, it came to be used to describe those who produced and sold whiskey illegally.