Well he can grap her and get her of the skating range and put her somwhere where no one can h u r t her take a look at her fi n ger you dont want to put water becaue it will be cold and it wont go well so just wrap a cloth or anything that soft around and c o m f o r t her and wait t i l l they come?
Hope this helped? C:
You didn't give options, but I would say either rat guts, animal fecal matter, or bugs.
A. Warning signs, they can make the person with the illness more ill, they could feel neglected or like no one understand what they are doing and can't see the signs but jn some cases it's the person with the illness that doesn't know like bipolar people might not know they are bipolar until the test.
A. Posting an intentionally hurtful or mean comment on someone's social media and being blocked from that account.
B. Posting photos or videos of yourself doing illegal activities (drinking while underage, doing drugs, etc.). Companies and colleges look at your social media to see what you are really like, which could lead to not being accepted into a college or being kicked out of a sports team.