Answer & explanation:
Amylase is part of enzymes, a group of large peptide molecules (formed by amino acids) whose role is to catalyze reactions in order to facilitate the synthesis of other biological molecules.
Amylase is found mainly in saliva (in the form of salivary amylase, or ptialin), acting in the breakdown of starch and glycogen in foods, reducing them to smaller particles, facilitating their digestion and absorption.
The action of enzymes depends on certain specific conditions, called optimal conditions. In the case of <u>amylase</u>, it depends on an optimum pH of 7 (neutral) and an optimum temperature of approximately 37 ° C.
This enzyme can still act between 35 ° C and 40 ° C, but below 35 ° C it is inactivated, preventing its functions from being performed, and above 40 ° C it suffers denaturation, causing changes in its structures.
Thus, it is concluded that the <u>temperature</u> (under optimal conditions) is important for enzymes because it keeps their actions and structures in proper operation.
<span>¡La opinión de un químico sobre el mundo no es tan estrecha como se podría pensar! Sí, empezamos con el átomo, y luego pasamos a las reglas que gobiernan los tipos de unidades estructurales que se pueden hacer con ellos. Se nos enseña tempranamente a predecir las propiedades de la materia en masa de estos arreglos geométricos.
Y luego llegamos a H2O, y estamos sorprendidos al descubrir que muchas de estas predicciones están muy lejos, y que el agua (y por implicación, la vida misma) ni siquiera debería existir en nuestro planeta. Pero pronto aprendemos que esta pequeña combinación de tres núcleos y ocho electrones posee propiedades especiales que lo hacen único entre los más de 15 millones de especies químicas que conocemos actualmente. Cuando nos detenemos a reflexionar sobre las consecuencias de esto, la química pasa de ser una ciencia arcana a un viaje de maravilla y placer mientras aprendemos a relacionar el mundo microscópico del átomo con el mundo mayor en el que todos vivimos.</span>
Answer: Option B.
Biogeographical evidence is the evidence that provide information of organisms distribution over geographical areas. It provide information on how and when the organisms evolved and common descent.
Frombthe question, biogeographical evidence will help Darwin make his observation
Symptoms of infected animals include emaciation, excessive salivation, lack of muscle coordination, difficulty in swallowing, excessive thirst, and excessive urination. Subtle behavioral changes like loss of fear of humans or other abnormal behavior are often the first signs noticed.