In psychology and operant conditioning, the term Primary reinforcer refers to the biological reinforcers that determine our behavior. In other words, they are part of our nature and reinforce behaviors in a natural way without a process of learning from us, since they are, by themselves, satisfying a biological need. Therefore, they have innate reinforcing qualities. Examples of these reinforcers would be: food, sex, water, sleep.
Therefore, in operant conditioning, a primary reinforcer is innately reinforcing, often by satisfying a biological need.
Exemple :
Où sont nés tes grands-parents?
Mes grands-parents sont nés en à Paris, en France.
- Où est-ce qu'ils se sont rencontrés?
Ils se sont rencontrés chez des amis.
Quand est-ce qu'ils se sont mariés?
Ils se sont mariés le 22 décembre 1964.
Combien d'enfants est-ce qu'ils ont eus?
Ils ont eut trois enfants.
Et maintenant, qu'est-ce qu'ils font?
Maintenant, ils ne travaillent plus, ils sont en retraite.
Elastic demand
Price elasticity of demand is a concept that seeks to measure the sensitivity of demand to the price of a good or service. Thus, if demand is elastic, it means that even small variations in price have a strong impact on demand. Conversely, if demand is inelastic, variations in the price of the good will not greatly affect demand, meaning consumers will continue to demand that particular good or service.
The calculation of the price elasticity of demand consists in the division between the variation of the quantity demanded by the variation in the price practiced. If the result is greater than 1, demand is considered elastic (price sensitive). Conversely, if elasticity is less than 1, demand is considered inelastic (little price sensitive). If elasticity equals one, then the change in demand is exactly the same as the price change.