You have to multiply 7 3/4 to 9.
First, turn 7 3/4 to an improper fraction which is 31/4.
Next, you multiply 31/4 to 9/1(same thing as 9) across from each other.
Then, you get the answer 279/4(31 x 9 = 279 ;4 x 1 = 4; 279/4).
Last divide 279 to 4 and get 67.75( .75 = 3/4 ; 69 3/4).
ANSWER: <em><u>D. Icosahedron</u></em>
Which answer :) xx just for help
In this question, we're calculating how much you're going to need to pay in parking.
We know that it costs 50¢ per hour
We also know that you park for 7 hours.
Note: They're trying to trick you here with the $4 per day, you wouldn't use this information because you're not parking for the whole day.
Calculate how much you're paying per day by multiplying 7 by 0.50
7 × 0.50 = 3.5
Now, multiply how much you pay everyday (3.5) by the amount of days your'e working (5)
3.5 × 5 = 17.50
This means that you will be paying $17.50 for 5 days of parking
b. Binomial distribution.
Step-by-step explanation:
As a manufacturer is interested in the number of blemishes or flaws occurring every 100 feet of material which shows that only two possible outcomes with fixed number of trials are present here, so the probability distribution that has the greatest chance of applying to this situation is a binomial distribution that summarizes the possibility that a value will take one of two independent values under a provided set of parameters.