If I remember correctly, Federalists feared the the Democracy would lead to a Monarchy.
European populations grew as a result of American foods being introduced to European diets.
The 14th Amendment was issued around the <em>Reconstruction period</em>, basically to provide equal rights to slave descendants after the Civil War, granting <em>citizenship to all people</em> born or naturalized in the country, and it has become kind of the main provision in the USA Constitution to enforce Civil Rights and prevent violations; but it was only until the <em>Civil Rights Era</em> around the 1950s and 1960s that really became effective; affairs such as <em>"Jim Crow laws"</em>, <em>white supremacy</em> organizations, multiple segregation policies, voter suppression mechanisms such as <em>"The white primries"</em>, poll taxes and some others like <em>literacy tests</em> vastly impeded the effectiveness of the Amandment for a long time.
The patriots didn’t have a navy to challenge the Royal Navy.
Then they asked the French King Loui XVI for help and the French navy was able ti challenge the Roayal Navy