<span>332.7 million gallons.
First calculate the percentage increase in price of gasoline.
0.40 / 2.80 = 0.142857 = 14.2857%
Now divide by the 10% to get the number of multiples of 10% the price increased by
14.2857% / 10% = 1.42857
Now multiply that by the percent decrease in demand
1.42857 * 2.30% = 3.29%
So it looks like there will be a 3.29% decrease in demand due to the higher price. So calculate the expected amount of gasoline demand.
344 * (100% - 3.29%) = 344 * (96.71%) = 344 * 0.9671 = 332.7
So the expected demand after a price increase of 40 cents per gallon is 332.7 million gallons.</span>
True, in some cases I would argue.
We have the investment sum of 100 dollars
We convert to mexican pesos
= 700 MP
700 mexican pesos invested on equities gets 25% return
Redeemable amount after a year = 700 x (1+15%)
= 805
After a year money gotten back in dollars
805 x 0.142015
= 114.32 dollars
Net return = 114.32 - 100 = 14.32
Expressed in percent = 14.32%