The average speed of an 8 bit computer is 0.50 MIPS or million instructions per second. There are three thousand instructions per digit of the number in <span>π, the thousandth place needs 4 x 3 = 12 thousand instructions. The time it takes to do this is 12000 / (0.5 x 1000) = 24 seconds.
Initially if x = a = 2437 and y = 875, condition (1) that is x>y is true and output would be x = 1562 with y = 87
According to pseudo code the code will run until x becomes equal to y. Initially if x = a = 2437 and y = 875, condition (1) that is x>y is true. So next step would be x=x-y and output would be x = 1562 with y = 875. With initial values x = a = 2437 and y = 875, x becomes equal to y after 21 iterations and output is x=y=1
- 2437 875
- 1562 875
- 687 875
- 687 188
- 499 188
- 311 188
- 123 188
- 123 65
- 58 65
- 58 7
- 51 7
- 44 7
- 37 7
- 30 7
- 23 7
- 16 7
- 9 7
- 2 7
- 2 5
- 2 3
- 2 1
- 1 1
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