Just try to make it as imaginable as possible let your readers feel and see what you are writing to them
When communication occurs, it typically happens in one of three ways: verbal, nonverbal and visual. People very often take communication for granted. Communicators constantly exchange information, meaning people always seem to be either receiving or giving information.
The reason why I personally disagree with this statement is that Mark Antony's speech wasn’t very good and the crowd was just written by Shakespeare to be suddenly convinced.
if you were to remove the easily swayed audience and replace it with a more objective audience,Mark Antony's speech would not still stand up as a convincing work of rhetoric.
The reason why I personally disagree with this statement is that Mark Antony's speech wasn’t very good and the crowd was just written by Shakespeare to be suddenly convinced. So I feel if the crowd were actually normal people the story could be different they wouldn’t be definitely so .
To get good grades and good friends!
The root word bi means two.
One example of this root word being used is the word bicycle.
The root word is used so as to tell people that this bicycle has two wheels.
A unicycle is a riding device that has one wheel.