True! Hearing is something that is done without you realizing it. It is a natural sense that humans have. But listening requires focus and attention. You can be hearing what your teacher is saying, but not really understanding and listening to the words. Listening means you are collecting the information, and you should be able to remember it later. :)
Plot exposition is the initial state of the character at the beginning of the story
rising action is a bunch of events that leads to a certain problem (climax)
the climax is the problem of the story
falling action is the events that leads to the solution at the end
By 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.
Powerful statistics can add weight to a speech.
Answer :
I first heard about the Holacaust in History last year. I know about this event because it was a very important event that caused a lot of lives to be lost and highlighted the terrible living conditions. I learned that it was also considered to be a war and the Jews were the main people to take place in this event.
The reason why this can happen is because of the transformative journey that Jin Wang is on. At first, Jin Wang is ashamed of being Chinese, and wants to appear as white as possible. Wei-Chen is fully Chinese, and because of this, he is a foil, as he is a character that highlights the characteristics of the protagonist by contrasting them with his own, which are the opposite.
However, as the story progresses, Jin Wang becomes even less similar to Wei-Chen, as he kisses Suzy and as he transforms into Danny. Jin Wang, therefore, not only contrasts with Wei-Chen, but is in open opposition to him. This makes Wei-Chen the antagonist.