First we need to find what 3% of 700 is. We know 10% is 70, 5% is 35, so we need to find out what 3% is. If you don't know how to calculate percentages of a number, I recommend starting with 10%. This way you know 10% of the number is 70, so you will also know that 1% of the number is 7. 7 x 3 = 21. So 3% of 700 is 21. Since it was over 6 years, we multiply 21 x 6. That gives us 126. She will be paid $126 in interest in the first six years.
42 (1- 25/100) = 63/2 = 31.5 dollars
answer is $31.50
hope it helps
I don’t know the answer but I can tell you how to do it subtract starting value minus final value divide that amount by the absolute value of the starting value multiply by 100 to get percent decrease if the percentage is negative it means there was an increase not a decrease
On Monday, he received 4 boxes. On Wednesday, he received 11 boxes, so he received 15 boxes altogether.