D. to discourage European nations from colonizing Latin america
Roosevelt's Corollary (Conclusion) to the Monroe Doctrine: The US will intervene in conflicts between European and Latin American countries, will not allow Europeans to do so directly.
Roosevelt, who is regarded as a classic imperialist among American presidents, gave more weight to the pursuit of interest than to his commitment to the mission. Symptomatic of this view is its corollary, with the Monroe Doctrine of 1904, which threatens intervention where political movements threaten the obligation to repay debt to the United States, because they, as an "international rebel force," have an obligation to "prevent" any delinquent behavior ”. At the same time, Roosevelt pursued a policy of equilibrium in the Pacific, which aimed to give the American aspiration for dominance adequate prominence.
As European states extended their influence over seas, AGU political argument for imperialism gained prominence. Even if colonies were not economically beneficial, imperialist held that it was crucial for a political and military reasons to maintain them. Some overseas colonies occupied strategic sites on the worlds see lanes, and others offered harbors and supply stations for commercial and naval ships dock. Add the kids for imperialism sought to gain these advantages for their own states in equally important to deny them to rivals.
He is the owner and creator which provides rights of the creator.
God have the “rights of a creator'' because He is the creator and owner of everything. An owner has the authority to use the thing according to its will. The creator has the rights to destroy or modifies its creation and no one is able to question Him. There is no rights of a creation over itself when we talk about the rights of creator. The rights of creator is more important than the rights creation because the creator is the owner of that creation.