The innate immunity in living organisms protects them from the pathogens they encounter daily.
Pathogens are organisms such as virus, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, worms that causes diseases to its host.
For example, Avian flu is a strain or variant of the Influenza virus which predominantly causes a disease in birds such as chickens. The virus responsible for the Avian flu can be passed from birds to humans; when anyone comes in contact with a bird that is carrying the virus i.e a sick bird with Avian flu.
Homeostasis can be defined as a process through which a living organism maintains a steady or stable physical, internal and chemical environment ideal to enhance life and proper functionality.
Also, immunization can be defined as the process of boosting an individual's immunity or immune system against antigens (immunogen) which cause diseases by the administration of vaccines.
Basically, immunization helps to improve the functions of the antibodies, B cells, T cells etc.
If a person becomes infected with a pathogen, such as a virus. The internal stimulus that mainly takes place in order for their body to maintain homeostasis is that their core temperature increases. This is because pathogens such as a virus do not thrive or survive in a hot environment; they're naturally allergic to high temperature (heat).
Compression is a reverse fault, tension is normal fault and shear is strike slip fault.
Compression is a reverse fault, tension is normal fault and shear is strike slip fault. Reverse fault is opposite of normal fault which occurs due to the stress of compression on an object in which both object come close together. Due to tension stress, rocks pulling apart from each other, produces a normal fault. Shear is strike slip fault because in strike-slip fault, the two blocks slide over one another
In most plants, the leaves are the main food factories. They capture the sun's energy with the help of chlorophyll in the leaf cells. The chlorophyll traps and packages the energy from the light of the sun in a process called photosynthesis. Leaves usually have a large surface so they can collect the most sunlight.