Causes of debt
The French Crown's debt was caused by both individual decisions, such as intervention in the War of Independence and the Seven Years' War, and underlying issues such as an inadequate taxation system.
Lo primero que hay que tener claro en base a la escultura gótica y que la diferencia de la escultura románica es que esta en parte se va a independizar de esa subordinación del marco arquitectónico, apareciendo nuevas tipologías escultóricas.
Los materiales que se van a emplear para su realización van a ser generalmente la piedra, tallándose mediante incisiones con trepano, cincel… pero también veremos un uso de la madera, que en la mayoría de las veces aparecerá policromada y en menor medida materiales como el marfil o el metal.
Se tratarán de esculturas naturalistas, aunque un poco idealizadas. Es cierto que los artistas buscaron humanizar las figuras, individualizarlas a través de diferentes recursos, expresando emociones, gestos, estilizando las figuras, mostrando cierta preocupación por la volumetría de los cuerpos y ropajes… que en el románico no veíamos.
La temática al igual que en la escultura románica será siendo fundamentalmente religiosa y aunque se seguirán dando las mismas fuentes iconográficas como los Evangelios apócrifos y la Biblia en el gótico aparecen otras nuevas como la vida de los santos, los temas marianos y algún que otro tema profano.
Por lo que respecta a las tipologías, se desarrollaron nuevos tipos, por un lado, tenemos la escultura monumental vinculada a las portadas de las iglesias y catedrales, retablos, sillerías de coro, sepulcro, y por otro lado la escultura exenta o de bulto redondo que en el gótico es cuando alcanza su mayor desarrollo.
Lord of the manor or barons
All feudal land belonged to the king though nominally, who in turn leased it to the barons. the barons in turn had the peasants farming the land, and keeping part of the produce in return the lords would protect the peasants.
GENERAL DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER’S DECISION to invade the Italian peninsula,
based on wishful thinking and best-case scenarios, had drawn the Allies
into a campaign without clear strategic objectives beyond a vague
desire to capture Rome and tie down German divisions. But pinning down
those divisions obliged the Allies to execute offensive operations
across a tormented landscape that goats would find challenging. The
difficulty spiked considerably once German commander Albert Kesselring
completed a series of defense-in-depth barriers across central Italy.
The most formidable, the Gustav Line, ran from the Adriatic to the
Tyrrhenian Sea, with the medieval Benedictine monastery of Monte Cassino
as its anchor point.
The correct answer choices are A and C.
As Portugal learned about Spain's exploration expeditions led by Columbus, and fearing the Spaniards might interfere with their exclusive sea routes to the Far East, it filed a complaint before the pope at the time, Alexander VI (also known as Rodrigo Borgia, a high hierarchy priest of the Catholic Church born in Valencia, Spain, and apparently sympathetic to the Catholic Monarchs of Spain). In response to Portugal's complaint the pope issued a papal bull (a legal settlement ordered by the Church) and a demarcation line was traced leaving most of the known and yet-to-be-found lands and water bodies westwards under Spain, and those eastwards under the control of the Portuguese. A lucky "accident" left the lands today known as Brazil as the only colony in America ruled by Portugal, which explains why Brazilians are the only Latin Americans who speak Portuguese and not Spanish. A formal agreement, based on the papal bull, was signed by Spain and Portugal and became known as the Treaty of Tordesillas, named after the city where the signature of the document took place.