The Nile Delta area known in antiquity was a vital element of the development of ancient Egyptian society and played an intrinsic part in their religion, culture and day-to-day sustenance. In addition to providing fertile farmland, the Delta offered the ancient Egyptians many other valuable resources.
The Mayan society was conquered by many different<span> Spanish </span>conquistadors,<span> however the Mayans as a race were not killed off, and descendants of the Mayans are still around today</span>
Donald Trump
Don't need an explanation for this.
That most of the British soldiers came from Britain, therefor they did not have a lay of the land. But, the American soldiers did due to that they had reliable maps and had frontiersmen.
Pollster George Gallup contends that fewer than ten percent of evangelical Christians could be called deeply committed. Most of those who profess Christianity don’t know basic teachings and don’t act differently because of their Christian experience. George Barna found that almost half (46%) of evangelicals read their Bible only once a week or not at all.
Our text last week presented God’s free invitation of the gospel. He has provided everything at His expense and He invites sinners to come to His great dinner. You cannot bring anything nor do anything to deserve an invitation. God provides it all by His free grace. Our text this week makes what seems like an abrupt shift and shows us the cost of following Christ. It teaches us that:
To truly follow Jesus Christ, we must consider the cost and put Him above everything else.