Indicative Verb Mood expresses and makes factual and authentic statements. For an example, ''A human is a mammal.'' It is true and a fact that a human is a mammal. Note that I leave no benefit of a doubt, but I state it matter of factly.
The Imperative Verb Mood expresses and makes a request and/or demand. Say for instance, ''Hand me that remote.'' Note that the speaker is telling you to do the action expressed, which was handing 'that' remote.
Subjunctive Verb Mood overall expresses doubts, suggestions, hypotheticals, and/or wishes. They normally use words like 'if'. For an example, ''If only I were that smart I'd enter and win that contest.'' Note that the speaker uses 'if'.
A1: Imperative because the person saying this sentence is telling us to look out the window and tell them what we see.
A2: Indicative because it's stating a fact.
A3: Subjunctive because it's making a wishful statement that proclaims *IF* they were us, they'd hike up Bridal Veil Falls.
A4: Again, subjunctive, because it's making a wishful statement. It outright says *if* as well as *wish*.
He couldn’t see through the milky ways gas and dust particles
Can you show me some pictures of the story?
The correct option would be <span>Nobody’s
In this case, the IS contraction is used and so the meaning of the sentences does not change. it is still expressing a future reference.
it is important not to get confused with the possessives (´s) otherwise this sentences would not have a clear meaning e.g Nobadys´.
Nobodys´s and nobodys are not grammatically correct options. so they should be discarded at once.
In the texts, the narrators have issues with their self-identity as they sense imperceptible and do not sense they are distinct from different people. Nevertheless, while in the "Secrets of the Cicada Summer" the author only sees herself as imperceptible, in "Bloomability" the writer is wondering if she prefers to be hidden.