The assumption that the family is the center of almost everyone refers to the understanding of the family itself, is the smallest socio-economic unit in a society which is the basic foundation of all institutions, is the primary group
consisting of two or more people who have a network of interpersonal interactions, blood relations, marital relations, and adoption.
<h2>Further Explanation
This ideology emerged during the revolution in the United States, namely the class revolution (class revolution).
There are four aspects that change or transform in it,
- First, there is a change in economic management in terms of who creates, and who takes wealth.
- Second, there is a transformation among the lower classes. The lower class is the class that is generally tasked with producing but does not have the authority to make important decisions such as: how much it is paid for, how the process of distribution of goods, what should be produced, etc.
- Third, there is a transformation of living habits.
- Fourthly, there is an ideological transformation.
As the smallest unit in society, the family has an obligation to meet the needs of family members that include physical needs (food and drink), psychology (loved/cared for), spiritual/religious, and so on. The purpose of forming a family is to bring happiness and prosperity
for family members, as well as to preserve the descendants and culture of a nation.
Eight functions that must be carried out by
the family includes functions to fulfill physical and non-physical needs:
(a) Religious,
(b) Social,
(c) Culture,
(d) Love,
(e) Protection,
(f) Reproduction,
(g) Socialization and education,
(h) Economy
Considering that humans are social creatures, and the family is the smallest social institution that concerns interpersonal relationships and the relationship between humans and the surrounding environment, the family cannot stand alone. Family is very dependent with the surrounding environment (both micro, meso, eco and macro) and the family also affects the surrounding environment (both micro, meso, eco and macro environment).
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Family ideology
Grade: High School
Subject: Social Studies
keywords: Family, ideology.