All of the given practices can be effective in minimizing group harms.
Answer: Option E
As mentioned in the options, a collaborative review of the ongoing research by the Institutional Review Board can be taken from time to time during the course of the research to check whether the group of human samples is facing any adverse effects of the research or not.
A chalked plan promising the disclosure of the results of the research can also help in decreasing group harm. Moreover, consultation among the parties participated in research can also reduce the risk of group harm.
Fraternal twins typically happen when two fertilized eggs are rooted in the uterus wall at the same period or time. When two eggs are individualistically fertilized by two different sperm cells, fraternal twins is the end outcome. The two eggs form two zygotes, therefore the terms dizygotic and biovular. Fraternal twins are, fundamentally, two normal siblings who come about to be born at the same time, since they arise from two separate eggs fertilized by two separate sperm, just like normal siblings.
Caribbean Food Corporation
Caribbean Environment Health Institute
The Caribbean Community (CARICOM or CC) refers to the association of fifteen countries and territories in the Caribbean with the key objectives of fostering economic integration and cooperation between its leaders, of ensuring equal distribution of the rewards of integration as well as of coordinating international affairs.
The two organisation established are :
1. Caribbean Food Corporation
The main objective of this organisation is to ensure that there is enough food available for the population and also the quality of food is hygienic.
2. Caribbean Environment Health Institute
As the name suggests, this organisation ensure the development of regions without major environmental degradation.
e. Defamation and obscenity.
Obscenity are censored, and so are not protected. Defamation give a false claim to a certain person, and is not protected either.
Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Cubans