D. The Declaration of Independence was approved
Hope this helps :))
Answer:antibipolar drugs
Explanation:A person with bipolar disorder have frequent depressed mood which may be associated with manic depression. Usually it takes too many visits to the doctor before healthcare professionals could actual make a dignosis that someone actual has bipolar , depression seems to take over and may cause the person to be diagnosed with other illnesses
(i) व (ii) दोनों
कालिदास 'आम्रकूट' शब्द का प्रयोग मेघदूत अथवा अमरकंटक पर्वत को संबोधित करने के लिए किया है। इसलिए (i) अथवा (ii), दोनों विकल्प सही हैं। इस पद में कालिदास आम्रकूट पर्वत की यात्रा का वर्णन करते हैं। वह कहते हैं कि इसका प्रमुख नाम अमरकूट नही बल्कि आम्रकूट ही है क्यूंकि वह इस पर लगे आम के वृक्षों का वर्णन करते हैं। वह कहतें हैं कि अमरकंटक नर्मदा नदी का उद्गम स्थान है और इसका अमरकूट और आम्रकूट से सम्बन्ध है। इस प्रकार, <u>(i) अथवा (ii)</u> सही हैं।
d) a company offers free job related education to employees
ADL stands for activities of daily living. There are several categories of ADL and one of them is the bed mobility, that is the activities performed while laying in the bed.
The documentation for bed mobility ADL would include;
Self performance;
Getting up the bed
Laying back on bed with one assitant
Turning on and off TV using remote placed near by
Raising and lowering back with remote based bed
Support required;
Getting on the bed with one assistant
When patient slides down, two assitants are required to put him back on the head position