It became a world power.
As a result of Spanish-American war, United States came up victorious and obtain control over 3 important territories: Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Philippines.
All three resources possess natural resources that United States can use to enhance their economic productivity. On top of that , they serve as international base that help United States build relationship with other countries. Puerto Rico and Cuba helped US develop trade relationships with the people in Latin America and Philippines helped US develop the relationship with South Asian Countries.
Answer: True
In general, women do more of the care of the older people than do men. Also, there is a rough hierarchy of caregivers. If the older person's spouse is alive and reasonably healthy, she or he will normally become the primary caregiver; if the spouse is not alive or is unhealthy, an adult daughter is usually next in line; and, if there is no daughter who can manage the care, another relative, such as a son or a sister, may be called upon.
Three of these common types of map projections are cylindrical, conic, and azimuthal.
Based on the scenario above as Rainey spends tome more on
listening to music that contains denigrating sexual lyrics and messages about
women, it is likely that he is at risk for having to engage in sexual
intercourse that is earlier at age compared to his peers that spend less time
listening to what he is listening to.
Slavery officially ended in 1856 in december.