The nurse should advice of Cutting up food and opening drink
containers for the client. There are
The Five Levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Physiological, safety, love
belonging, esteem and the highest is the self- actualization. Maslow's
hierarchy is most often demonstrated as a pyramid. The lowest levels of the
pyramid are made up of the most basic needs, while the most complex needs are
at the top of the pyramid.
It can be expected that there
will be closure of the patent ductus arteriosus for this is the effect of
indomethacin. The adverse effect would include platelet dysfunction, decrease
gasto-intestinal motility and an increase in necrotizing enterocolitis. With this,
the nurse should anticipate the possible outcomes where there will be increase
bleeding time and decrease gastro-intestinal function after giving
It is used for lipogenesis
Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and then this glucose is absorbed in the blood from where it enters the cell and used for ATP production.
The excess of glucose in the body is used for lipogenesis. So excess glucose converts into fat and stored in the liver. Some fat is also stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles by the action of insulin but the majority of excess glucose converts into fat.
This fat provides a reserve energy source in our body. Therefore the right answer is- It is used for lipogenesis.