Can I see a picture of the chart or type it in the comments
The Causes and Spread of the Great Depression
I would say the answer is three (not 100% sure tho). It's definitely not 2 or 1
Wade Davis Reconstruction Bill
The House approved the Wade-Davis Reconstruction Bill 73-49. It set the congressional agenda on how to deal with the South in the aftermath of the Civil War.
Manifest destiny was a concept that was devoid of any consideration for the lives, land and property of the people against which it was targeted.
With time it came to acquire a most imperialistic bearing by embracing the proud and selfish reasoning that because America had been made great by its Anglo - Saxon heritage, this made America supremely fit and suited to extend its influence beyond its continental boundaries, that now it was the nation's manifest destiny to achieve this. Nowhere are the interests of other people mentioned.