Note-taking method or taking notes is the method in which the listener records important and vital take-away's from the source which is providing the information.
There are many different ways in which a person can record this information. Some useful methods of note-taking are:
The Cornell Method: This method was developed in the Cornell University in the year 1950. In this method, the writer is required to divide the page into two sections; one larger and second smaller. The smaller section is for recording keywords or terminology which is important. And in the larger section, description of these words and terms is to be recorded. And, at the bottom of page comes the summary.
Mind-mapping method: This method is also known as visual information. In this method, the writer can take help of bubbles, boxes, arrows, etc. to make the relationship between the contexts.
Charting Method: This method is useful for differentiating and comparing of two or more ideas or topics. In this method, a page is divided into equal sections according to the ideas or topics given.
Note-taking method is very useful and helpful for those who have problem with remembering what he reads and also for students. While reading or studying, taking notes side-by-side will help to retain much of the things learned from the text.
So, this note-taking method will be helpful for Rick, who have problem in remembering what he reads.