The German economy started to clasp under the heaviness of these outside and inward pressing factors. As the principal reimbursements were made to the Allies in the mid 1920s, the estimation of the German imprint sank radically, and a time of excessive inflation started. In mid 1922, 160 German imprints was identical to one US dollar. By November of 1923, the money would devalue to 4,200,000,000,000 imprints to one US dollar.
Hernan Cortes (1485-1547) was a Spanish colonizer and conqueror, who leaded the conquest of the Mexican territories, that started in 1519 with the occupation of Veracruz. The tales about the sacking of the Mexican capital, Tenochtitlan, are still legendary nowadays.
After the takeover of Veracruz, Cortes gave the order of sinking his own ships (it was thought they were burnt, but nowadays that hypothesis is being questioned). Anyway, he destroyed his ships on purpouse to force his men to go forward and conquer the New World, both in the militar and spiritual (goal of spreading the Christian religion) dimensions.
- Agreement with his decision: of course it is an incredibly effective manner of ensuring that his men would be motivated to conquer the territory, mainly because they did not have an alternative choice. They had to become rulers there or be lost in the middle of unknown lands. It can be claimed how the ultimate goal justifies the means.
- Disagreement with the decision: it can be argued how unethical is that he prevented his men from deciding if they wanted to participate or not on the mission. He eliminated the choice.
i don't think there would be a narrator, I think the character should explain the book
The Church was soon split into Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christianity because the Byzantine Empire split from Rome.
During the 11th Century, the Byzantine decided to start their own branch of Christianity.
This is when and why did the church split into Catholic and Orthodox Christianity. Hope this helps!