The Sargasso Sea is constantly considered a lifeless environment, due to its high salinity and temperature, which are considered inhospitable for most species. However, the Sargasso Sea is rich in local species, accounting for more than 200 of them, composed of algae, crustaceans, fish, microorganisms, among others.
The Cardiovascular System
The respiratory system draws air into the lungs. Oxygen diffuses through the walls of the alveoli and across the walls of the capillaries where it enteres the bloodstream. The oxygen molecules are picked up by red blood cells, which are pumped through the blood vessels by the action of the heart. As the red blood cells carrying oxygen pass through capillaries near the cells, oxygen diffuses into the cells.
I can't answer 1 but 2=First, make sure you weather proof the house, than go from there and try anything you think is necessary in this situation.
1. symbiotic partnership
2. primary succession.
3. symbiotic relationship