Macro: Phosphorous, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates
Micro: Vitamin A, Sodium
Macronutrients are nutrients that are needed in large amounts. Micronutrients are needed in smaller amounts.
How can examining specimens under a microscope help scientists classify an organism? It can help scientists classify an organism because they can see it super close up. In plant cells, how are chloroplasts and mitochondria related?
Three nonpolar molecules that are used in everyday live are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and ethylene (C2H4).
Ethylene is used to make plastic and ripen fruits and methane is used to produce electricity and power garbage trucks. Besides its usage in the crucial processes of photosynthesis and cell respiration that keep us alive, carbon dioxide is important in refrigeration and is also found in fire extinguishers.
Hope this helps!