A. If my answer is wrong, please correct me :).
el profesionista debe conducirse con justicia, honradez, honestidad, diligencia, lealtad, respeto , formalidad, discreción, honorabilidad, ... sinceridad, provida, dignidad, buena fe y en estricta observancia a las normas legales y éticas de su profesión. el enunciado se refiere a una disposición o norma ética ...
The difference is that South Vietnam fell to North Vietnam and South Korea did not fall to North Korea.
The Korean war ended with a armistice on 27 July 1953. technically the Korean war has not ended yet sense there has not been a signed peace agreement. The Vietnam war ended with the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975. This is different sense The Peoples Army of Vietnam and the Vietcong successfully defeated The Republic of Vietnam or "South Vietnam". Vietnam was then unified under the communist state of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
1. Fighting terrorism will bring the peace and harmony around the world, people will get together both emotionally and economically. In such a case, America will be able to expand their economy beyond the current extent.
2. By advancing democracy and human rights people of the country will be able to raise their voice against any injustice and true form of democracy will prevail. It will enhance the society overall.
3. Shaping the global economy can only be done by a country like America which have both intelligence and man power. It will make America, the leader of the world.
tôi có câu trả lời nhưng nó nói thô lỗ, hãy thay đổi câu trả lời của bạn
i have answer but its say rude change your answer