An area in the South region Babylonian in present - day Iraq
The chief City of ancient Mesopotamia and capital of the ancient kingdom of Babylonia
Fourth trimester.
Fourth trimester is the fourth stage in which abortion can not be done because the baby is big enough in size and comes out from the womb. The abortion in this stage can put the life of the mother in danger so that's why abortion is not allowed. Newborn babies are learning to adjust itself to life outside the womb where it was warm so we can say that fourth trimester is the stage in which abortion is risky and dangerous.
Characteristics of young rivers are;
• The river is small and flows with less energy down steep slopes
• Features formed are a result of erosion
• These rivers form V-shaped valley
• Form interlocking spurs when they meet obstacles
A river in its youthful stages has a steep river gradient. The river is in most cases narrow and deep. Waterfalls and rapids are common in youthful stages of a river. The river channel is considered narrow and deep, with a V-shaped valley present. Vertical erosion is dominant and the channel of the river generally winds.