Plant exhibit many variations to withstand the temperature variations, desiccation and increased UV exposure which are some of the factors associated with land habitat. Cutin is a waxy substance that is found in the outer walls of the epidermal cells of plants. Cuticle in plants serves to make the outer most covering of aerial parts of the leaves and non-woody stem of herbaceous plants. The cuticle is made of cutin.
Cutin serves to protect the plant’s aerial surfaces from excess water loss. It also filters the excess UV light and thereby protects the underlying plant parts. The thickness of the cuticle varies in different plants depending upon the environmental conditions. The leaves of plants adapted to hot, dry climates have thick cuticles. The thickness of the cutin layer also varies in different parts of a plant. For example, the upper epidermis of leaf generally has a thicker cuticle than the shaded and relatively cooler lower epidermis.
</span>Most cells of the body have self markers on the surface of their cell called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The MHC allows cells of the immune system to recognize the cell as part of our self.<span>system to recognize the cell as part of ourself.</span>
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