Sí es importante que las marcas sean protegidas, ya que una marca representa una forma de propiedad privada, es decir, una marca es algo que le pertenece a los dueños de la empresa, y como tal, dicha propiedad debe ser protegida.
Es por esto que existen protecciones legales de marca, y por lo cual los gobiernos luchan contra la piratería.
Además, si las marcas no se protegieran y se permitiera la falsificación de todos los productos, los emprendedores no tendrían incentivo para innovar y crear marcas nuevas, ya que los beneficios económicos que podrían obtener de dicha actividad se verían muy disminuidos.
When the Sun reaches the highest or lowest regions in the sky, Solstices happens.
A solstice is characterized by the poles of the planet whose inclination is away from or towards the star where the planet orbits.
When taking our planet into consideration, the poles are, in the North, the Tropic of Cancer and in the south, Tropic of Capricorn.
Solstices occurs twice in a year.
One in June and the other in December which will be the Northern hemisphere's longest day and southern hemisphere's shortest day.
The nature of democracy is that elected officials are accountable to the people, and they must return to the voters at prescribed intervals to seek their mandate to continue in office. For that reason most democratic constitutions provide that elections are held at fixed regular intervals.
Crime typology
Criminal topology refers to the way of classifying and sorting people as per their traits or distinguished behaviors. The categorization of the crimes according to any particular category or list, is said to be crime typology. Some of the categories include motivation, behavior, etc.