Monotonous work: Sometimes monotonous work irritates the help desk.
Seeking for same information: When providing the same information again and again to a different customer.
Lack of work recognition: At times failing to appreciate the effort create stress.
Talking without rest: Continuously answering without taking a break might cause stress.
Work pressure: When the work pressure increases there is a possibility of stress being more.
Inflexible working hours: Change in life style due to change in work hours might create stress.
Work-life imbalance: This also act as a source for stress.
Taking regular medications, family pressure, undervalued pay scale everything counts for stress.
The net savings changed the most, and this is because of the extra money coming in via total income. An extra $290.00 was added to the category.
I personally like UPS because most of the times I have to send documents or goods domestically and UPS is very well known for its domestics shipments and I also prefer it because of its low rates as compared to FedEx which has higher rates. I am also comfortable with UPS because of its customer services. They respond to your query very quickly and try to resolve it as soon as possible. Their first priority is always their customers.
Supply equals demand
Equilibrium is a situation which occurs when there is a balance between quantity demanded and quantity supplied.