Refined grain products like bread, flour tortillas, white rice, cornmeal, crackers etc are enriched with riboflavin, niacin, iron and thiamin.
Enriched grains is finely ground endosperm of the kernel. Enriched grain products are good as a source of iron and four types of vitamin B which includes niacin, thiamin, folic acid and riboflavin and also contains some complex carbohydrates.
Wheat and rice are a staple diet in many regions of the world but excessive polishing and refining the cereals removes the essential nutrients or vitamins which have their own important physiological roles.
Both muscular and skeletal system work together to make the organisms move from one place to another.
Skeletal system consist of bones which provides shape and supports to the body. It also provides protection to the delicate organs such as brain, lungs and heart etc. Bones are attached with one another with the help of muscles. All the vital organs are also made from muscles. These muscles helps the body to move, run, exercise and other movements and helps in the performance of your body.
Orbital injuries are normal but difficult to treat. The dorsal, lacrimal, superior and smaller sides of the sphenoid, and patella bones are called the bony sphere. The ethmoid, prefrontal, and maxillary bones serve as suspension systems for the ear sphere and are directly connected to sinus.