After the attacks, Booth was on the run. He and a man working for him named David Herold escaped to the home of a man by the name of Samuel A. Mudd and rested/hid there for a few days. After they left the Mudd residence, they jumped from house to house, searching for shelter. After being turned down by one family, the men spent a few days hiding inside a pine thicket. Booth and Herold traveled from state to state and town to town trying to hide from the manhunt. Eventually, the soldiers tracked him down and killed him where he was hiding in a tobacco barn at a farmhouse in Virginia.
both within and outside one’s home country
Terrorism is a forceful movement where group of individuals use fear and intimidation to gain standing and influence. This aims to overcome both the government and citizens under their control, in reference to these individuals that are causing this. This is guided by a political and religious ideology that can happen to one’s own and other countries.
It could result in melting ice caps, causing sea levels to rise.
food 14 points woater 15 points seeds 13 points pillow 1 point blanket 1 point letter 5 ponts defnding mechnism 6 points a small home 5points
I think the word you are looking for is Militarianism.