El se centra na família Harmon: Dr. Ben Harmon, Vivien e sua filha Violet, que se mudam de Boston para Los Angeles depois que Vivien tem um aborto espontâneo e Ben tem um caso. Eles se mudam para uma mansão restaurada , sem saber que a casa está assombrada pelos fantasmas de seus antigos moradores e suas vítimas
Women played an active role in the Campaign of Defiance Against Unjust Laws during which, in 1952, many were arrested. They also helped to organise the Congress of Democrats, a white organisation in alliance with the ANC and the Coloured People`s Congress
A. George Washington. He had to work on building a new government, handling the financial affairs of the new country, finding good relations with Great Britain and signing treaties with Indian tribes. The country was so young and had much work to do.
B. Abraham Linclon. He has a high approval rating and is ranked as the greatest president by many historians. He contributed greatly towards the anti slavery movement and created powerful speeches. Many people know Of him today and are aware of all he has done.
C. No. The US has spent billions on war in places such as the Middle East and there is still terrorism.
D. Technology has made it easier to access information. It is also easy for the government to use the internet to brain wash citizens. We use technology in our everyday lives and many things revolve around it- ex; we set our fruniture in our living room surrounding the tv, the main thing on a desk is a computer, we make sure we charge our phones every day etc... it has also created much stress due to cyber bullying, hacking, and has made people extremely dependent on technology.