resposta: Aumenta de Norte para Sul, porque os raios solares vão sendo menos oblíquos, e por isso, as regiões do Sul recebem maior radiação solar . OCEANO: Quanto mais próximo menor a radiação solar e a insolação, devido à maior humidade e nebulosidade Aumenta de Noroeste para Sudeste.
espero ter ajudado:)
For example, the dinosaurs' fossils helped the scientists to learn about their habits, habitats, etc.
Scientists greatly depend upon existing biological evidences of extinct organisms in the form of 'fossils' to study the earlier life existed within the biosphere and the geosphere.
Fossil research allows researchers to learn a great deal not only about the organisms' live form and behaviour but also the Earth's geosphere and biosphere at that time. Specially, transitional fossils are more apt to study as they demonstrate the transitional states of a fossil between the ancestral type and the descendants' recent form.
The baby-boom generation is a generation that has had much different lifestyle than the previous generation, or rather the generation of their parents. The rights of the men and women have become equal, as well as the earnings. The marriage has been delayed for later stages of life, also having less children, and relatively high divorce rates.
On the long run, this generation will have a negative demographic impact on the United States. The reason for that is that the birthrates of this generation have dropped significantly, and it is also representing a large portion of the population, so as they age they will contribute to aging population.
An aging population can have serious economic and social impact, as the percentage of people that take money from the pension funds will increase significantly relative to the people that work. Also, as the baby-boomers age, the healthcare will be overrun by them, as deep age and diseases often goes hand to hand, so the expenses for the healthcare will be enormous.
Geography would be useful planning because it helps the builders determine where certain public facilities, such as parks and restaurants, and transportation, and buildings would be located.