Great Britain wanted to move West into modern day Ohio
France wanted Modern day Ohio as well
The native Americans were upset because the British had moved into their land
Yes, the civil war was a second American revolution because it freed the nation from the clutches of the practice of slavery.
- The first American Revolution secured for the colonies independence from the unjust British administration and gave them the freedom to lead lives as free men of an independent country.
- Similarly, the civil war brought the practice of slavery to an end and extended the concession of living freely to the yet more deprived classes of humans.
- Hence, for the fact that both the movements dispensed freedom, it can be concluded that civil war was the second American Revolution.
In my opinion, it wasn’t fair. It blamed the entire war only on Germany, which caused them to have a severe economic depression and crumbled their entire nation. This is one of the reasons why Germany started WW2. Germany also wasn’t the only nation that completely started WW1, it started when a Serbian terrorist group assassinated the Archduke of Austria- Hungary.