if the scientist was to look close there skin would be tightened up on the frog it is hard to see but if you look close you could see it
DNA is the ultimate control of cell's productions. So A.
The answer is genetic variation because crossing over leads to changing the traits inherited by the daughter cells
Here is the scientific proof that God exists. Look at the universe. Look at humans, animals, plants, and every living thing. How did these things become alive? Did they just exist out of nowhere? God created them. You simply can't argue that everything just existed. Everything has a creator. 0+0+0 cannot ever become 1. God is the only thing that exists without a creator, because God is the only creator who made everything. Look at the insane complexity of life. For example, look at humans. We are the most complex thing alive. We are made perfectly with intelligence that onbody on this earth can ever even come close to. Our little minds can only do so much. God is the one and only who can create life. Can we ever make something become alive? Obviously no. If the whole world would come together we wouldn't be able to make a single living fly..
Removal of metabolic wastes