just say if u dont know him/her very well then just write that down.
because if u have trouble like that then u need to ask we are here for u.
1. D)
2. J)
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:) What I believe
<h2>A talented auctioneer uses their charisma and personality to create excitement, drive bidding and effortlessly command the attention of the crowd. Good auctioneers often also employ humour to engage with and put bidders at ease, and commonly have signature lines in their back pocket to get the bids flowing.</h2>
bc for example if it goes up u can healthy is either healthy or not healthy
Paul was walking into the college room smart and grinning .His clothing had outgrown him a little,and the beige/tan soft velvet at the collar on his over coat that was open that had turned into a worn and wrinkled; but for that there was a dandy thing about himself, he wore a pin that was oval shape in his
4-in-hand that was black and neatly knotted and a carnation that was crimson in his button hole.This Latter adornment that the school had somehow felt befitting a boy spirit under the banning of suspension