The amount of alleles that a baby Guinea pig inherit from the mother are two , 1 from its mother and 1 from its father ( The very reason why we use them as an experiment tester is because this similarities)
For Example, if its mother hat a dominant black fur (BB) and its father has recessive grey fur (bb) , there is 100% chance that the baby will has a Bb genotype, which will give them either black fur or dark grey fur.
An example of a population in which evolution could take place in a relatively short period of time could be pathogenic bacteria exposed to antibiotics.
Answer: Option A
Evolution if takes place within a short period of time say the next generation that is called as micro evolution. This is caused when a specific organism exposed in a different environment at once modifies its genes to suit the new environment. This phenomenon can be very well seen in the pathogenic bacteria which are exposed to antibiotics.
When an antibiotic is prescribed to bacteria initially it nullifies its effect by destroying it. When continuously exposed to a certain antibiotic some bacteria dies but there are few which becomes resistant to it and survives. This on the other hand multiplies producing a generation that can’t be touched by the antibiotic.
pets can help boost your mood
if you do not have any pets you could have slight depression if there is no one to cheer you up such as your companion
Both Darwin and Mendel proposed their theory at the same time but they never communicated with each other. They both explained the population and studied the variation between them and in them.
The variation within a population could be of two types: the discontinuous traits and the quantitative trait.
A discrete trait refers to a trait that is usually controlled by only one gene that is only two alleles or two variants are observed in the population whereas the quantitative trait is a trait that can be determined by more than one gene like the variation in height.