Validity is measure of how valid the research is which means it gives solid relevant result which were initially intended. It is a test of how valid both your design and method of the research is.
There are various factors that can affect validity of the research.
There are internal factors that can affect validity of the research those are the ones that occur within the study such as failure to monitor vital variables of the study or using the inaccurate instrument to gather the needed data.
Below are the factors that has an impact on internal validity.
-size of the studied population
-instruments used
-subject variability
-available time to gather data
- attrition
External validity are affected by the external factors such as the place where you conduct your research which may restrict the ability to obtain actual results . It can also be affected by the things like not being able to balance your subjects for example focusing on one gender and race eventhough your research is about all the types of people at large.
Crucial factors that affects external validity.
- The effect of time
- method use to collect data
- characteristics of the chosen population
- experiment effect
- interaction of subject selection
Because when we’re introduced to something we aren’t “used too” we tend to judge. An example of this is like people with tattoos are less likely to get a good job just because they’re judged off of the tattoos, not their actual credentials
Nationally recognized testing laboratories (NRTL) <u>test and list</u> electrical products to provide a basis for approval by inspectors in the field.
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In the question above, it is important to discuss with the elders or a responsible person if someone is having a mental disorder because with the prior knowledge about a specific disorder or problem the trusted person would help the sufferer by taking the person for treatment and if the treatment is being initiated at the early phase of a disorder then it would be highly effective in curing the disorder.
Mental disorder: In abnormal psychology, the term mental disorder or mental illness is described as a wide range of effected health conditions that generally affects an individual's thinking pattern, behavior, and mood.
Examples: Anxiety, mood disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders, etc.