Answer: Trained incapacity
Explanation: In simple words, it refers to the idea that after gaining a certain kind of education, skill or experience etc. the level of thinking of an individual cannot go beyond a certain limit.
In the given case, the manager was the upper level employee and was not habitual to the work that was performed by the workers in the restaurant.
Therefore this position in the workplace limited his skills of performing only the managerial work.
Hence from the above we can conclude that the above case depicts trained incapacity.
a. $(3,881)
Gain on sale of fixed assets is an income. To be included in the operating section of the cash flow statement, we need to deduct the gain. The disposal of the fixed assets will go to the investing section. As the gain of the sale of assets is already added to the net income in the income statement, it will be deducted to make the accounting procedure transparent. Therefore, <em>option A</em> is correct.
When an individual’s current money income exceeds his current consumption desires, hesaves the excess. Rather than keep these savings in his possession, the individual mayconsider it worthwhile to forego immediate possession of the money for a larger futureamount of consumption. This trade-off of present consumption for a higher level of futureconsumption is the essence of investment.An investment is the current commitment of funds for a period of time in order to derivea future flow of funds that will compensate the investor for the time value of money, theexpected rate of inflation over the life of the investment, and provide a premium for theuncertainty associated with this future flow of funds.2.Students in general tend to be borrowers because they are typically not employed so haveno income, but obviously consume and have expenses. The usual intent is to invest themoney borrowed in order to increase their future income stream from employment - i.e.,students expect to receive a better job and higher income due to their investment ineducation.3.In the 20-30 year segment an individual would tend to be a net borrower since he is in arelatively low-income bracket and has several expenditures - automobile, durable goods,etc. In the 30-40 segment again the individual would likely dissave, or borrow, since hisexpenditures would increase with the advent of family life, and conceivably, the purchaseof a house.In the 40-50 segment, the individual would probably be a saver since incomewould have increased substantially with no increase in expenditures. Between the ages of50 and 60 the individual would typically be a strong saver since income would continueto increase and by now the couple would be “empty-nesters.”After this, depending uponwhen the individual retires, the individual would probably be a dissaver as incomedecreases (transition from regular income to income from a pension).4.The saving-borrowing pattern would vary by profession to the extent that compensationpatterns vary by profession. For most white-collar professions (e.g., lawyers) incomewould tend to increase with age. Thus, lawyers would tend to be borrowers in the earlysegments (when income is low) and savers later in life. Alternatively, blue-collarprofessions (e.g., plumbers), where skill is often physical, compensation tends to remainconstant or decline with age. Thus, plumbers would tend to be savers in the earlysegments and dissavers later (when their income declines).5.The difference is because of the definition and measurement of return. In the case of theWSJ, they are only referring to the current dividend yield on common stocks versus thepromised yield on bonds. In the University of Chicago studies, they are talking about thetotal rate of return on common stocks, which is the dividend yield plus the capital gain or
The correct answer is A.
All other things being equal, in the early years of the asset's life, the amount of income shown <u>on the tax return will be higher than the amount of income shown on the income state.</u>
Here's why
In the United States, the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) is a depreciation system used for tax purposes.
It allows the capitalized cost of an asset to be recovered over a specified period via annual deductions. The MACRS system puts fixed assets into classes that have set depreciation periods.
This depreciation system allows an asset to be depreciated faster in the first years of an asset's life and slows depreciation later on. This is beneficial to businesses from a tax perspective.
This is logical, the less the value of an assets, the less the property tax applicable to it and so the company increases it's bottom line in tax savings whiles maximizing the useful life of the asset.