Lincolns view on slaver was he thought is was degrading and he believed that everyone deserved the own right so thats why he freed the slaves
The recruiter is referring to technical skills like Database querying, Modeling, Basic understanding of statistics, Front-end development, Marketing automation, budget development.
Database querying: Ability to answer the questions about customer and prospects behavior on their own.
Modeling: The key technical data in understanding how to collect the data, chart it, visualizing the progression of marketing efforts and communicate them to stakeholders. Ability to create a data model and deciding with the created data.
understanding of statistics: analysis of the data collected by them by statistical significance, cohort analysis, etc.
Front-end development: The knowledge of understanding the basics of HTML, Java scripts, CSS.
Marketing automation: To become a successful marketer one should be able to adapt to use the automation tools in preparing their personalized emails that may increase the sales by a minimum of 20%.
This is a philosophical approach, it must be taken into account that in ethical theory there is a large number of moral coincidences, such as: it is wrong to steal and its universality, in ethical theories. But there are also many differences between ethical theories, one very important and which divides them into two types, are the Materialist ethical theories and those that are not. Materialistic ethical theories are those that in general tell us what we must do to achieve good and to be good, that is, they are content ethics pursues a series of ethical norms about what we must do, they condition the rules or norms to persecuted objects.
In the ethical theories indicated there are differences, those of materialistic tendencies: first: the tendency of divine command very similar to the naturalistic theory of Saint Thomas, which defends the good with the approach to a supreme God and follows the law of divine origin . Second: DJMill's utilitarianism good is the pleasure or absence of pain and is achieved through pleasure actions. Now it is pointed out that Kantism (non-materialist) corresponds to being a formal ethic whose author was Kant, defends good with the only morally good, a good intention and seeks to achieve good in the imperative, categorical, acts in a way that he can wish without contradiction , points out that the maxim is taken as a universal law. Kantina's law is called formal and comes before material ethics.
a. Horatio Alger
Horatio Alger -
He is a famous American writer , and his work include novels about young adults and the poor boys who rises up to become rich and happy , by their hard work , honesty , courage and determination.
The work where identified by " rags to riches " narrative.
Hence, from the given information of the question,
The correct answer is a. Horatio Alger .