Computers are now a days the very important part of each department as well as homes. All people are somehow using computers for their respective needs. As technology always has the negative impacts along with the positive ones so, computer do have some crucial points when taking about students specially.
Following are listed some acts that add to the negativity of computer's usage.
- Excess use of computers by students while solving mathematical problems lead them to rely totally on the computer. Students don't tend to calculate by their own instead they use computerized calculators for their ease and hence they start lacking even in basic calculations in normal routine also.
- Computers may impact students routine in such a way that they don't concentrate on their studies while having extreme interest in video games and their favorite seasons and other activities.
- Using computers more than a certain limit effects eyesight badly. This is the reason today most of the teenagers use spectacles in normal routine.
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mate I tried to write here but it says it's too much writing that why I attached a pic
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CREATE VIEW [product_summary] AS
SELECT product_id , order_count , order_total FROM Product;
SELECT * FROM [product_summary] ;
- First of all, use the CREATE VIEW syntax to create a view named product_summary that includes the product_id, order_count, order_total columns and returns the summary information about each product.
- Use SELECT statement to return all the columns from the product_summary view.
Scan the tables to make a digital copy of them
In the block <span>letter style, all components of the letter begin flush with the left margin.</span>