I agree with the answer above - boreal forests are the kind of forests that remain green all year, because evergreen trees can be found there. Opposite of this, temperate forests do not stay green all year, because they have deciduous trees, which means their leaves fall off.
I think its an opinion question. Look at a map of Canada and find a town or something that sounds interesting and do some research on it
• If new oceanic crust is being continuously created
along the earth’s spreading ridge system, then we
must find some way to re-cycle it back into the
mantle. [WHY? –otherwise the earth would be
The proximity of people and buildings to the location of the moderate magnitude may be closer. What rock type the buildings are on makes a difference.
1. made from a dissolved mineral called calcite limestone
Limestone is a sedimentary rock derived from precipitation of the mineral calcite from a solution.
2. made of large grains of sand sandstone
Sandstone is a sedimentary rock derived from aggregates of sand grains.
3. made of very tiny grains of clay shale
Shale is a sedimentary rock made from very fine grain of clay minerals.
4. formed from sandstone quartzite
Quartzite is a metamorphic rock derived from a protolith of sandstone. When sandstone is subjected to pressure and temperature beyond that of metamorphism.
5. fine-grained rock with few or no crystals basalt
Basalt is an igneous rock dark in color and fine grained.