Victoriano Huerta
It is said that this popular song perhaps had its origin in Spain beyond 1818, its simple structure and sticky tune made it easy to add or modify verses, so it somehow became a tool for the chronicle of the happening and feeling of who He sang it at the time. They point out that in 1913, with the Mexican Revolution at its peak, there was a unique phenomenon with the lyrics of "La Cucaracha", since this song was added verses of derision against General Victoriano Huerta, who was said to be a old malandrín, creeping, hypocritical, quirky, drunk, marijuana, ridiculous and evil.
The only good thing that could be recognized in life was the excellent marijuana that smoked day and night. He had the uniform with eternal grease and wine stains; it gave off a smell of garbage and old dirt; His mustaches were straight, with traces of old food and the smell of stale weed. For all this, I think with good reason, people called him "The Cockroach."