A major triad can be created with 3 notes, by starting with a note, like “C” then adding a note a major 3rd higher, “E” which is four half-steps, then on top of that, adding a minor third (3 half steps up), above that G. C-E-G
A major third can start on any notes, using the same formula of major third and a minor third
D-F#-A, Bb-D-F
The second answer or 3rd answer...
<em>This probably won´t be funny to anyone else, but, it is to me. </em>
<em>Me when my therapist asks how many times I say I wanna die in a day:</em>
<em>I don´t know? I wasnt COUNTING.</em>
Kid: <em>I wanna be a dinosaur!</em>
Mom: <em>Why, because there cool and scary?</em>
Kid: <em>No, mom! Because there dead.</em>
<em />
<em />
Me: <em>They always say weird flex, but okay, but never say weird flex, are you okay?</em>
Explanation: Uh..y e a h-
Not being on my phone
Clean my ears
Listen to key words
Make a riddle out of what I was told
Compare my listening to something I like
Ask questions
Repeat what was said
Write it down
Ask them to repeate the task once more
Plan it out
Fetuses detect the aroma of food their mothers eat by the third trimester. So, D.