Proteins are the nutritional class which builds and maintains cells and tissues. The type are often called "structural" since they are like the scaffolding of cells and tissues.
The median is usually preferred to other measures of central tendency when your data set is skewed (forms a skewed distribution) or you are dealing with ordinal data.
Be very careful, you could be experiencing shock. It's possible she may have a MRSA infection in which case she could be Septic. Get her to a hospital NOW!!
All of the above
Everyone has their own problems and sometimes feels restless because of them. What's important is that we do not let them overwhelm us for a long time.
When we feel that our mind needs healing, we should think about what we're thinking about and try observing things objectively. Sometimes problems may seem way more serious than they actually are.
We should focus on positive things instead of constantly thinking about negative things.
Sometimes it may seem like there is no time for a break or activities that make us happy. Even if we have many responsibilities, when we are overwhelmed, we should take a break and do something for ourselves.
If you are stressed out and have issues you need to talk about, talk about them with someone close to you. Sharing can help a lot.
Letting things that are taking up space in your head and heart go is also important. Sometimes we may be thinking too much about things we can't really change. We shouldn't waste our energy on them, but use it to heal and then focus on things we can actually do something about.