Students have to work hard,haven't they??
"Anagnos is cruel as he expresses doubts about Annie's ability to leave Perkins and begin teaching."
The dialogue shows that Anagnos is criticizing Annie of her lack of tact and talent.
The sequence of events are:
- Young Matoaka, a Native American, saves English captain John Smith when he was imprisoned by her tribe.
- She befriends John who teaches her to speak English.
- This friendship makes her tribe look down on her and change her name to Pocahontas, which has a perjective meaning in the tribe.
- Pocahontas is kidnapped by the English and forced to convert to Christianity.
- She changes her name to Rebecca.
- She marries John Rolfe.
- She moves to England with her husband.
"Princess of the New World" is a graphical novel written by Loïc Locatelli-Kournwsky that presents Pocahontas' life narrative, from her youth in her native tribe, until the day she is brought to England as a lady named Rebecca Rolfe . The autoe reports on the difficulties that Pocahontas faced and focuses on the rejection he received from his tribe when he started a friendship with John Smith, as well as how she was forced to abandon her customs and adopt English customs.