A woodchuckk would chuck alot of wood if woodchuckk could chuck
B. John was accepted for the program, but Bill was not.
Well to be honest with you I don't think anyone else should be doing this but you, I'm not going to do it either because it has to be in your words. To help you out I would think of:
>What are the advantages of having music education in high school?
>What are the disadvantages of having music education in high school?
>How much would it cost to have music education?
>How many people do you think would take the course?
>Would it affect what college they go to or if it would affect their chance of getting into college?
Hope this helps, maybe someone can do better than me.
There was no other option, it needed a few moments for even an EDS pilot to get ready (or ready himself) to step on the other side of the room and intentionally and cold-heartedly strip the life of a living being he had not met.
Id say yes society has learned from Scrooge. He was a selfish man who only thought of himself and didnt help anyone at all. He was self centerd and bas consenquese came from his actions. So the raise in donations and giving probaly grew beacuse people where afraid the same thing whould happen to them.
Sorry for misspells and other thing. :C