1, 3, & 4.
Is the way to do so. Good luck.
no longer returns an error but your math seems to have something wrong with it, always returns 0
Console.WriteLine("Enter a percentage here");
int Percent = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter your number here");
int Number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int result = Percent / 100 * Number;
Hire more people to help type her documents, or make Batch invoices
def analyze_text(sentence):
count = 0
e_count = 0
for s in sentence:
s = s.lower()
if s.isalpha():
count += 1
if s == "e":
e_count += 1
return "The text contains " + str(count) + " alphabetic characters, of which " + str(e_count) + " (" + str(e_count*100/count) + "%) are ‘e’."
Create a function called analyze_text takes a string, sentence
Initialize the count and e_count variables as 0
Create a for loop that iterates through the sentence
Inside the loop, convert all letters to lowercase using lower() function. Check each character. If a character is a letter, increment the count by 1. If a character is "e", increment the e_count by 1.
Return the count and e_count in required format
Billboard magazine said it was "Walk Like an Egyptian" by The Bangles.